egg-shells-706502_640Why is there so much suffering?  For so many do not realize this physical world is not your only home.  You are souls—all of you, yet you forget by design.  Some have remembered, and they are the teachers.  Do students always listen?  When they are ready.  Until then, it is the school of hard knocks.  Awaken to the memories that lie hidden in the heart.

When life gets you down, remember that you are living life at another level simultaneously.  Shift your awareness to the higher self and take a refreshment break.  How do you do this?  Belief and intent.  Believe that there is another aspect of you as a soul, and with the intention to know that aspect, sit quietly, take a few deep breaths, and following your intention, simply shift awareness.  Remain in that expanded awareness a little while or a long while.  Do this practice repeatedly until you re-member your life, emerging whole again from your suffering.