“I can do this myself!” you do claim. It is this need to be independent that does keep you from experiencing true Love. Why do you need to be the one with all the answers, the one to always be right, the one to have your way? Such rebellion! Do you see how it keeps you separate?

Look upon all others not as competitors, but as equal cells in the body of God. Do the cells of your own body fight each other? Yes, at times they do, and this you call “dis-ease.” Cease the need to be first, to be right, and to have your own way. Allow your fellow cells to contribute to your harmony and health by surrendering this thing you call the “will” and you will experience far greater peace.

Recognize the urge to control outcomes as the ego’s strangled cry for attention. Pay him no heed. The voice of Love is far more subtle, far less insistent, for Love knows that sooner or later you will come around and pay attention. Why wait? Thank the ego now for its many years of service and give your full attention to the Voice of Love.

Note from Suzanne: And today, a “two-fer” with Poem #394 that follows…