So many wish to take their own lives when a loved one passes.  So closely bonded are you that you feel as if a part of you and in some cases, the whole of you is gone.  May it help in some way to know that they are closer than your breath, as near as your thoughts, and most certainly connected to your heart.

Do you know why you are still here and your loved one is not?  Your soul made this decision, and you have yet more learning and loving to do.  The pain you feel is an indicator of this.  Your loved ones on the other side are patient now that they have the greater perspective.  To them your absence is only the blink of an eye.  To you it seems an eternity, but you have all of eternity to be together again.

Allow Spirit to decide when you will be reunited again and enjoy a most blessed and fruitful reunion.  In the meantime, breathe deeply often and pray, “Oh, Spirit, may I feel your presence.  Tell me what I have to learn from this time.  Show me how I can grow and serve as a result of this pain.  I am so grateful for the love we shared, that we continue to share, and will always share.”

Love is eternal, as is Life.  You have a Lifetime to be with your love. This is but a parenthesis in eternity.