Throw away
your childish things.  Yes, you have just
heard this, and yet we say it again.  We ask
you to examine those thoughts and behaviors which are holding you firmly rooted
in a particular vibration and are impeding your growth.  What is it in you that is childish in the
sense of an unevolved soul?  Is it the
need to defend yourself when wronged?  Is
it the act of lashing out when another is less than loving?  Is it the need to judge or criticize?  All of these are behaviors of the ego, and
along the spectrum of behaviors, these are indeed childish.  We imply no judgment in this word.  We simply use this term to awaken you to
behaviors you would expect from a soul who is just awakening.  We are all growing—yes, even beyond the grave—and
a little awareness never hurts, does it? 
If it hurts, then throw away your childish things and remember who you