It matters not if one or many reads these words.  The message is the same.  It matters not if you heal or help one person or many, the result is the same:  Love is shared.  Connections are renewed. Yes, renewed, not made, for love is the binding force beneath all that appears to be physical.  All is already and always connected, and this is the deepest definition of Love.

You know love as a most sublime feeling.  We know it as the experience of “being” before conditions are added.  Before limitations are added.  You know this state.  Everything you have ever experienced lies within your knowing, and you experience pure being more often than you know.  “But how can just ‘being’ be love?” you ask, and we ask you to gaze upon a mountain, a flower, a river, a lake, an ocean, or into a baby’s eyes.  No more words are necessary.  Be that which you are, Love, and change your world.

You are so very loved.
