Independence.  It does not exist.  You cannot survive and thrive as a human being without other humans, other creatures, plants, water, the whole nine yards, as you put it.  You are no more independent than is a sunbeam from the sun.  All is connected at a level you cannot perceive and at a level you can perceive if you look at how all that you have and enjoy is a result of interactions with and efforts from others.

And so, when you receive advice or help from another and it “makes you” defensive (understanding that no other causes you to feel anything at all—that your feelings are always the result of your thoughts), then there is a lesson there for you.  Thank the one whose words or actions resulted in defensiveness on your part and examine the lessons.  If you were truly independent, where would be the learning?  It is Love that binds you all.  When you can drop your defenses and see your connections, it is Independence Day, but only in the sense of being free of ego’s grip.