You say you don’t notice or receive signs and synchronicities while others see them all the time. There is nothing wrong with you. The signs are there. How do you find a needle in a haystack? You begin to clear out the hay. Where’s Waldo? There amid all the distractions. Synchronicities come when the non-physical dimension makes its presence here within your own apparently separate dimension. There is only here, meaning there is only one Cosmos, yet world upon world. There is only One Mind, yet this refracts into billions of seemingly individual minds. As long as the focus of what seems to be your limited, separate mind is churning round and round stuck inside your own seemingly individual world like a hamster running on a treadmill, you will not notice the interconnections. We have given you analogies within analogies today to show you how important it is to clear out the clutter and broaden your focus to being Pure Awareness if you wish to become aware of the interconnections. It is a process. Begin by noticing how much hay is hiding the needle.

Note from Suzanne: for those of you new to this journey and wondering how to “clear out the hay” as Sanaya suggests, some kind of regular/daily meditation or presence practice is the key. A great place to start would be with my free meditations on my website under Resources or my “Training Ground” Hemi-Sync CD.