Be very clear about what it is you desire, for your thoughts will bring you what you envision.  Look around you.  Everything you have and see is there by choice, either yours or another’s.  If you are unhappy with what you see, then you must make a choice, mustn’t you?  Making choices takes courage.  Not making the difficult choice is also a choice, is it not?
You have chosen this life as you.  There are lessons to be learned as you.  Are you unhappy with you?  Make a choice to change.  You cannot change others around you?  Then make a choice to change your thoughts about them.  You are not as powerless as you imagined.  
Choose to be happy.  Choose to be loving.  The two go hand-in-hand.  Choose love as your companion to every thought, deed, and word, and you will walk hand-in-hand with the One who gave you this life in the first place.