And so you find yourself in a
situation that is uncomfortable.  The
vibrations around you are quite in dissonance with your own.  Always you have a choice.  You can get up and leave, but in keeping with
human decorum, this would cause discomfort for those around you.  What to do? 
Leave the situation not with the body, but with your consciousness.  Rise above the dissonance and observe from a
place of neutrality in a state of utter peace.

My, my!  Isn’t this a new way to handle things!  When the situation is over, you will have had
a perfectly fine experience, for you made a higher choice in how to see the
experience.  It could have gone quite
differently, could it not?  Without even
moving, the event had a completely different outcome.  It all comes down to choices and how you
choose to use your consciousness.