Inspirations from Suzanne

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Group Think Re-Thunk

2014-11-25T02:33:00-05:00November 25th, 2014|

Earlier this evening as I pondered what to wear to my weekly flute choir practice, I questioned the decision to reach for my khaki slacks.  I hadn't worn them in at least a year, but for some reason, the choice felt right.  When perusing my selection of tops, I decided on a solid [...]

Love at the Center

2014-11-15T00:01:00-05:00November 15th, 2014|

In my work as an evidential medium, I talk to many fathers who have passed to the other side.  Many times my clients are happy and relieved to hear from their dad, but that’s not always the case.  More often than one would hope, a man comes through with an [...]

Angel Rays

2014-09-03T01:24:00-04:00September 3rd, 2014|

For those of you who enjoy the signs that show us we are not alone, you will appreciate how Spirit works to get our attention... If you are reading this on Twitter or Facebook, see all of the photos in the original blog entry at When I posted this morning's [...]

Some LIGHT Reading

2014-08-31T19:46:00-04:00August 31st, 2014|

My work affords me the great honor of meeting some truly fascinating people.  I was recently introduced by our mutual friend, John Audette, to Dr. Kenneth Ring, one of the world's foremost experts on Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and the co-founder with John of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS).  I'm [...]

A Gift on the Trail

2014-08-17T18:21:00-04:00August 17th, 2014|

Is the body really solid? Of course not.  Everything is vibrating energy.  (If you disagree, find an electron microscope and take a look at your hand).  Is this experience we’re having in physical form real?  Yes, of course it is, but only because this physical dimension is where we place our focus.  But what [...]

Those Unmistakable Signs

2014-07-21T15:38:00-04:00July 21st, 2014|

I unwittingly became part of a wonderful in-your-face synchronicity yesterday when I gave my “Heart Gifts” presentation in Vancouver, BC, to a large and loving audience.  The organizers at Unity of Vancouver had printed tickets for the event and asked me if I would do a drawing for a door [...]

Celebrating Wedded Bliss

2014-06-29T14:47:00-04:00June 29th, 2014|

I may embarrass my husband today.  It won’t be the first time, and he’s pretty thick-skinned.  He can take it.  I'm going to share some pictures that perhaps should remain private, but on this special date, I'm pulling out the stops. Eighteen years ago today we committed to spending the rest of our [...]


2014-06-27T14:21:00-04:00June 27th, 2014|

Whose thoughts are they anyway? The other day we arrived at Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho for a short lay-over on our summer tour.  We had already disconnected our towed car from our coach.  Ty went through the gate first in the coach and I followed in the [...]

Trust Me: Life IS Eternal!

2014-06-23T15:56:00-04:00June 23rd, 2014|

Yesterday I received awesome confirmation from the other side that life is eternal, which is exactly what Sanaya said yesterday morning (June 22nd post) in the daily message BEFORE I learned about this development (see! ...  The day before yesterday I gave a reading to a woman who I will call [...]

Still Here

2014-06-13T02:29:00-04:00June 13th, 2014|

I had a surreal, attention-getting, “Isn’t that interesting!” moment today.  We were traveling from Gallup, New Mexico, to Flagstaff, Arizona.  Ty was at the wheel of the coach and I was in the passenger seat.  I was deeply engrossed in working on an upcoming presentation and glanced up when Ty [...]

How’s your C.U.P.?

2014-06-12T02:12:00-04:00June 12th, 2014|

Wolf visited me yesterday in meditation.  It's been awhile, and his presence was so welcome.  How do I know it was him?  He told me about his dad (Mike's) knee surgery, which I already knew about, but Wolf showed me an image of scar tissue and repeated the word "rubber [...]

Hershey Girl’s Gift

2014-06-04T23:18:00-04:00June 4th, 2014|

Synchronicities are signs of the interconnectedness of All That Is.  When we experience "coincidences" that have no rational explanation in the physical world, look beyond the physical world, where consciousness and Infinite Intelligence exists just as it does here.  What follows is the text of an email I recently received.  This wonderful story shows [...]

Does it Bother You?

2014-05-30T01:31:00-04:00May 30th, 2014|

I’ve received more than a few emails in the last couple of days from people who saw Billy Graham’s latest column in our local paper with the title:  “Bible forbids attempts to communicate with the dead.”  They want to know what I thought about it.  My initial reaction was,  “Here [...]

Moving Forward on Purpose

2014-05-26T18:16:00-04:00May 26th, 2014|

I recently had the opportunity to become a “human on a stick.”  At least, that’s what the operators of the “Magical History Tour of Minneapolis” called those of us on our rented Segway machines as we rolled along single file like a line of ducklings.  Ever since Segways were introduced [...]

Moving Up

2014-05-17T12:29:00-04:00May 17th, 2014|

Those of you who attended my last session with Sanaya in The Villages may remember Frank Pfeifenroth.  He came to the front of the room at that session (wearing his signature black cowboy hat) as a testament to the power of love.  You see, Frank surprised his family and friends by [...]

With Impeccable Timing

2014-05-06T01:32:00-04:00May 6th, 2014|

It’s incredible what happens when we trust our unseen helpers in spirit.  I was invited to give the message (aka the “sermon”) at the Sunday service at Unity of Mills River yesterday.  In the past, when asked to give a talk, the former Navy officer in me would write out [...]

A Sacred Journey

2014-05-04T01:01:00-04:00May 4th, 2014|

This is our most unique “campsite” yet – parked directly alongside a labyrinth on the peaceful property of Unity of Mills River in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina.  I love labyrinths – a meditative tool used for introspection and transformation.  Walking slowly toward the center is a [...]

Lesson Learned

2014-05-03T02:25:00-04:00May 3rd, 2014|

I must admit to waking up this morning feeling pretty depleted after two evening presentations in a row and several hundred miles on the road.  My morning meditation helped, but by lunch time I was actually feeling worse than when I awoke.  I felt nauseous and scattered.  I am usually [...]

Awakening …

2014-05-02T12:02:00-04:00May 2nd, 2014|

More eyes opened to a greater reality last night at Unity of Wilmington, NC!  It's so awesome when people come up to me and say, "I was SUPPOSED to hear this!"  What a wonderful crowd.  Just like in Greenville, thanks for all the love.  Social events for breakfast, lunch, and dinner [...]

Spirit at Work

2014-04-26T22:19:00-04:00April 26th, 2014|

This weekend I was witness to a jaw-dropping sign of our interconnectedness that I am so excited to share with you ... Last night Ty and I showed the "Messages of Hope" documentary at Unity of North Atlanta.  Two women I had never met drove from our home town in The [...]

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