Why do you not speak enough of love?  You speak of war, and crime, and atrocities, for all of these resonate to the lower vibrational field.  Love is the highest vibration.  It exerts a pull that you would know as magnetic upon all of you.  It is why you are drawn to some and repelled by others, for all do not vibrate at the same frequency. 

Most do not talk enough of love for fear of being ridiculed.  “I love you” – the three most important words you can say.  A mother discovers true love when she has a child and says these words freely to that child.  This is because she shared the most intimate vibrational connection of the child in the womb.  You share this connection with the Higher Self which created you and which continues to give you life.  “I love you,” says this Source, yet you block this. 

You are loved beyond words, or you would not be here.

“I love you.” 

“I love you!”


“Can you hear Me now?”

Feel it now.  Allow it to permeate every cell of your being, for it is You.  You are Love and you are loved.  If all listened carefully enough to hear it and feel it, there would be no wars; there would be no crimes.
“I love you.” 

Roll in these words today.  Repeat them to another, and then another, and then another.  Maybe you will start something.  Watch out.  It might be catching.  And then what would you do?