We will never steer you wrong. You may march off in a direction for a while that affords you a lesson, but we will nudge you all the while back towards your main path. There are those at times who become totally lost. This is because they choose to ignore the gentle prompts followed by the stronger pushes and even a shove or two. Now that you have learned to listen to your heart, you will not stray far.

Surrendering to help from beyond is not always easy whilst in human form, but once you learn that the nudges are quite trustworthy, then it becomes quite enjoyable to be led and guided by the hand at times like a trusting child. You were in such a hurry to grow up and become independent. Do you see now how comforting it is to be led by the hand? There is no need to be quite so independent. Surrender and allow yourself to be guided. In this way you do not “grow up,” you simply grow.