red-building-industry-bricksWhen your belief system shifts and you come to know of the greater reality and all of the miracles that go along with that awareness, you want to share it with the world.  Some very close to you may not listen and may even put up a wall.  Will you push back against it, try to surmount it, or simply allow it to stand there blocking the path to that particular part of their journey?

Examine your motive should you find the need to knock down that wall.  Is it to prove yourself or to help them?  Whose path is it, anyway?  Were you not walking a similar path at some point in your life?  Yes, we know the joy and relief your new awareness brings you.  Yes, we know you want nothing more than for those you love to feel that joy as well, but what they feel is part of their journey, not yours.  Push gently until the resistance causes angst.

Rest in peace in your awareness.  Share it with those who have ears to hear and hearts open to see, and then carry along on your path, breaking down only the walls that you have personally erected that block your way to greater growth.  We love you so.