A blip in eternity. 
Yes, that is one way in which to view your challenges.  They come and go, and some you label more
serious than others based upon your human consequences.  But what of the consequences to you as a
soul?  Does this blip add to your
opportunities for growth?  Everything you
face does.  Does this blip offer you the
opportunity to make higher choices? 
Everything you face does.

Your greatest challenges often bring out the best
in you and others.  What do you mean by
this?  In human terms, “the best” is a
show of strength, courage, love and compassion. 
If this is true—and it is when you see past your fears—then you might
welcome the blips as the gifts that they are. 
Welcome and appreciate them.  They
will not last forever, but you as a soul certainly do.