Yes, it is time for another reminder of one of the greatest virtues:  compassion.  What is this, but understanding and empathy for another.  It is a feeling within the heart that another’s actions and experiences, while not your own, are understandable and acceptable no matter how different from your own.  How can you feel greater compassion for another?  Begin with yourself.  Know that you would appreciate another’s concern, caring, and understanding no matter how you behaved or thought. 
Remember that you are all the same:  spirit hard at work perfecting itself.  The perfect figure is being chiseled bit by bit from a large stone.  In some, more of the perfection is revealed than in others, yet the same perfection lies inside all.  Be as Michelangelo and see the masterpiece within, no matter how much stone lies on the outside.  From this viewpoint, having compassion for others is quite easy.