One of your greatest challenges is to sit back and observe whilst one you love suffers through their own challenges. Why do you wish to help? Because you have suffered yourself and you wish to save them from pain. You have learned. You have gained wisdom and can see a better way for them. Yes, you can help. Feel free to do so. Offer loving advice as it feels right in your heart to do so, but when met with resistance or when the other does not “hear” you, see this as a message from the soul of the one you love that the human being attached to that soul is working through their lessons still. The resistance is not a personal affront, although in many cases it will come across in that way.

Do your best to not internalize the other’s pain. Send only love—that greatest of healing energy. The soul will receive it, if not the human ego. Can you practice detached compassion and allow your loved one to grow as you send love? If not, you will experience your own pain and stunted growth. Do you see how you grow together … how very interconnected you are?

Grow in love. It is love which binds you, or you would not feel the pain. But know that pain need not be ever-present. Practice the art of allowing life and its lessons to unfold, loving ever more deeply as you do so.