Your Carl
Jung had it right:  There is a collective
unconscious.  Most of those walking about
as humans are collectively unconscious of this fact.  You are, collectively, Consciousness.  You are individual consciousness.  Collectively, you make up the consciousness
of mankind.  Do you get it?

Birds have
consciousness, as do trees, plants, clouds, and bees.  Need we go on?  Consciousness is all there is.  You vibrate at a certain frequency of
consciousness.  You resonate with others
of a like vibration.  Together, all of
life vibrates in a sea of Consciousness. 
You are that Sea, collectively.  Your
task in life is to become conscious of this fact.  The more you awaken and help others around
you to do the same, the more you are collectively awake, and Carl Jung can
finally rest in peace.

Note from Suzanne:  I have not heard reference to, read of, or thought of Carl Jung for as long as I can remember, yet Sanaya refers to him today.  I can’t wait to see how soon until I come across his name.  In the meantime, I googled his name for a photo to include today, and up popped the exact photo of an iceberg that I use in my SOAR! workshop (to show that we are far more than we think we are), along with this great quote by Carl… 

Have a blessed day, conscious of how connected we all are.  xxoo