You run from
the skunk.  History has told you that he
is an enemy.  You see the shape and the
coloring and you bristle in horror.  Even
though you may never have encountered one face to face, you feel fear.  Do you not know that the skunk’s emission of
an odor is a protective measure?  He will
walk by you placidly and perhaps even nuzzle your hand if met with love.  It is your reaction and the fearful vibrations
you emit that cause the skunk to emit the smell.

Can you not
see how your interactions with your fellow man are the same?  Have you not heard of so-called dangerous
felons reacting not dangerously when met with love … with them turning the cheek and walking the other
way?  We are not recommending that you
walk into a skunk’s den.  We merely wish you
to go on the offensive … with love!  Do not
be so quick to react to another’s external stripes, lest he lash out
protectively in response to your own fear. 
Radiate love at all times and the air around you will be all the more