What does it mean to step up to the plate?  To take responsibility for something.  In your game of baseball, the one who steps up to the plate with bat in hand is expected to hit the ball and to hit it out of the park if possible.  When you step up to the plate, there is an expectation.  Of course you may hit the ball, so to speak, down the baseline, right into another’s mitt.  You may feel as if you failed.  You are out before you even had a chance to run to a base.  But you stepped up to the plate, did you not?  Motive and intention are all-important.  Outcome is secondary.  Yes, of course you would like a positive outcome, but in a world of duality, you may not appreciate your results at all times.  Know that intentions that come with a positive motive are always in service to the greater good.  You get a home run for simply trying.