When you are in the flow, you just know.  Know what?  Things that would pass by unnoticed if you are focused exclusively on the outer world, on the physical senses, on past experiences only.  In the flow means you are filled with a sense of connection, aliveness, awareness of being guided.  At times the guidance is quite subtle.  You hear it but do not heed it, and then what happens?  Regret.  Yes, that gentle nudge you did not follow?  THAT is the knowing.  That is what flows when you are aligned with the Flow of life, itself.  How do you get out of alignment?  Outward focus and a sense of separation from others and nature.  How do you get into alignment?  Begin with the intention to be as you came into this world.  Even if you do not quite know what that is or what that means, by simply setting the intention, inner awareness will arise and grow from there.  It is all about the growth and experience.  You are so very loved.
