”I can’t possibly do it all,” you cry, and you are right.  That is why you are an interdependent being, not an independent one.  Who is it who taught you that you have to do, do, do to be respected, appreciated, admired. … loved?  Perhaps this teaching was tacit, implied, perceived.  Could this be the belief that is running around inside your body-mind, causing you to push yourself to the point where you have become disconnected from the part of you that has no need to do, but rather seeks moments of simply being … knowing you are loved no matter what?  The paradox is that to find this already-loved, already-whole, completely worthy, safe, and cherished part of you, you must stop doing now and then.  Try it, why don’t you.  Ask the heavens to bring this aspect of you—the soul—to the forefront of your awareness, and prepare for bursts of peace and joy. 

You are so very loved.
