white-rose-1811844_640Are you tired of this game you have been playing?  Have you had enough?  Enough pain, enough sorrow, enough longing … enough separation?  No wonder you are homesick.  Shift your allegiance, shift your awareness to the heart—the bridge between heart and spirit.  Cease identifying with your human body, your human story, and all of its past chapters.  Write a new chapter with a new prologue—the summation of chapters to come: “I am free, for I know now who and what I am.  No longer will I look for love outside of myself.  I know now how very loved I am, for I cannot be separated from love. It is the river that flows through my veins and through all that is.  I am so very loved.  I am so very loved.  I am so very loved.”  If it has not yet been your experience to know this at a soul level for you have not rekindled your ongoing and eternal connection with the greater aspects of You, then pray regularly, “Awaken me.  Awaken me.  Awaken me,” and be set free.