“All That Is.” How often do you hear this term for your Source? Do you take it literally, or do you envision exclusions? Does the All That Is include the terrorist? Does the All That Is include the so-called sinner? We have been speaking of late of darkness as the lack of light. Within all things is a Spark, or that thing or being would not exist. In some the light is so clouded you cannot see it, but Spirit is omnipresent.

“All That Is” means exactly that. It means you, as well. You are a facet of All That Is just as Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, and Muhammad were and are facets of All That Is.  All merely display greater or lesser light.  There are no exclusions.  See yourself as part of That and realize how very vital is your role.  See how you fit in with That and That and That and feel your connection. You do not stand alone, and you cannot fall.

Rise above your human consciousness.  See the world with spiritual consciousness, for that is All That Is.