In every man’s heart
there is goodness.  Do not forget
this.  It is easy to feel this as a lie
when you see a man or woman performing acts contrary to what you know as
goodness.  But always remember that
beyond the body, beyond appearances, lies the Soul, which is naught but good,
naught but God, or that being you perceive would not be there for you to

See beyond perceived “badness”
and look for the Good.  If it is occluded
from your sight, ask your very Soul why this is so.  Is it the fault of the other or of your own
perception, or of both?  Are you truly separate?  If you believe the answer to be yes, then you
will continue to see “badness.”  If you
know the answer to be no, then you will see the “goodness” even if your fellow
humans would judge differently. 

Open your heart and you
will open your eyes to a new way of seeing.