Note from Suzanne: I am providing a photograph of a record player for those of you who have forgotten what they looked like (or those of you who have never seen one. Ha!)

A record goes round and round on a turntable. It is the needle in the groove which produces the sounds. Are you not like this record, filled with grooves born of practiced thoughts and behaviors? Over and over you do produce the same music. Is it a song with which you are pleased, or are you tired of this melody? You may think the grooves are so deep that you cannot possibly change the tune, but this is incorrect. There is a Force far greater than you who is operating the arm, and you are intricately interconnected.

This is why humans pray: to connect with the arm which gives the needle power. “I need a bit of help getting out of this groove. Please help me to change my tune.” And so it is, and your spirits are lifted in answer to prayer. You are able to rise above old patterns with far more ease and sing anew.

Do not lose sight of the fact that you are intricately connected with the Creator, co-creating your life. You are never singing a solo, but are part of the most beautiful symphony of life.