You sneeze when there is an irritant. You cough to expel the same. The body has wisdom of its own. You do not tell it, “Sneeze now. Cough now.” This is the body’s innate consciousness. From whence comes this knowing when to breathe, when to cough, and when to sneeze? Is it you that issues these orders unspoken? In a way, yes, for all is interconnected, but have you not enough to think about without telling the heart to beat? And so, who is it that gives the commands?

Spirit runs the show. But for Spirit, the body would be a lifeless amalgamation of particles. Instead, it is a finely tuned system, with all parts cooperating when perfectly in harmony. You are no more separate from the Consciousness that operates the interconnected systems of you and all others than you are separate from your thoughts. It is one and the same Consciousness, operating at different levels.

Take no more credit for your thoughts than you take for a sneeze or a breath. It is Spirit that breathes you. It is Spirit that sneezes away the imperfections and irritants. It is Spirit that gives life to all things. All glory be to God in the heavens and in you. All is One.