Butterflies fly in a circle around you, thus getting your attention. Or they land on your hand and stay there for a while. These are sacred visits from birds, insects, animals interacting with you as messengers from those no longer in a body. How can you trust that these are, indeed, visits meant to get your attention? They got your attention, did they not? Now get out of the head that is trying to tell you it is mere coincidence. When has such a magical encounter happened before with divine timing and most importantly, a tugging at the heart as feelings and the presence of your loved one come into awareness? Thank them, why don’t you … your loved one and the messenger who heeded the call to call on you.
You are so very loved.
so beautiful and needed and yes thank you Spirit loved one and the messenger ❤️
I’ve always loved red admiral butterflies but rarely saw them and if I did it was very briefly. 5 months after my father passed away, as I was returning home with my dog one appeared. It was a cold winter’s day but this butterfly danced and danced around me before flying off. Somehow I knew it was my father. Then October of last year as I was walking my dog again another one turned up. This time it settled on my jacket right above my heart and stayed there some time. When I went home and told my husband he just said “That’s your Dad”. Four weeks later my husband passed away from Covid. I do believe my Dad knew and came to remind me there is no such thing as death. We just change form and love never dies.
Yes, Love never dies ❤️
yes! I saw a bald eagle today. so cool the timing of this post
There are multitudes of butterflies here on the farm at the moment. when I ser the cloud of them I am always filled with such Joy. Special timing indeed for this message!