Your reality is reality. It cannot be anything else. What you wish to know when you ask, “Is this visit from my loved one real?” is, “Does anyone else have the same experience?” You see, to most humans, the concept of real and not real is the difference between individual experience and shared experience. You feel you need someone outside of you to validate your inner experience. Do you? Or does the heart know, “You came to me! You are still part of my life!” The heart does know. Trust, dear one, and honor those who are doing their best to let you know that love never dies.
You are so very loved.
Oh my gosh. This message reached me at the perfect moment. I was feeling really down because I just heard about a woman’s experience in which she said that during her NDE she saw many things, including that “perhaps all the people around us are not real and we only create them with our minds to learn something.” Her experience sounded very real, but that specific part hurt me deeply because I thought “What about my dad (who is on the other side)? Is he not real?” I didn’t know what to believe because this woman sounded very genuine. That really confused me.. And then, just a few minutes later, I read this message. Thank you so much. ❤️
thank you. I needed the reminder to trust my own experience. Bless you.
Love hearing this. I know visits from our daughter and parents are so real. My beloved pup, Romeo, who passed when I was in surgery has also visited. That was amazing.
I couldn’t imagine life without these comforting signs and messages. I’ve begun noticing that as I accept and acknowledge them, the frequency and messages come more often and with deeper insights. Thank you for your message!