(Read to the end for an awesome synchronicity!)

We are one.  We are one.  You think this is a trite phrase said by those who do not understand “reality.”  Reality depends upon where you put your focus.  If you were a cell, you would feel like one.  If you were an organ such as the heart you would no longer be aware of individual cells.  But oh, how important are those cells!  And every one has its job to do, its purpose to serve.  If you were a human, and only a human, you might not pay attention to the individual organs that make up “you” and certainly not the trillions of cells.  How important could just one cell be?  Unless together they make up the one that is you?  But what if you were one cell in the body of humanity?  And what if all those cells were just one organ along with the organ of animals and the organ of plants on the body of Gaia, Mother Earth?  And what if Gaia were one cell in the planetary system?  And on and on it goes.  Now cells are seeming less important when you get to the level of galaxies.  Or are they?  Is any thing or any one any more or less important, or is all of it and are all of you part of one great One?  Do not think in terms of importance.  There is no greater or lesser.  Cells come and go.  Lives come and go.  From different perspectives they may appear to be greater or lesser.  From the perspective at your level, losses appear to be great tragedies, whereas the loss of one cell happens constantly within the body, to be replaced.  It is all a matter of scale and perspective.  Life IS.  Life is continuously evolving, cycling, BEING and it is being upheld and held together by Love.  You keep your focus on the human being, and you lose sight of the oneness, the cohesiveness, the importance of working together as one.  Shift your focus often.  Roll around in all aspects of your oneness in the heart and feel the connectedness, and then your perception of Life changes. At the level of the human being there is me and you, but ultimately there is only Being, and being is ultimately indivisible.  Love thy neighbor as thyself, for they are, and you are . . .  One.

Note from Suzanne:  I always choose the photos for Sanaya’s daily posts from the same copyright-free webpage.  Today I was nudged to go to the NASA website and get one of their photos (they are available for public use).  I thought I would have to search through the gallery, but today’s Photo of the Day jumped right out at me.  Only when I downloaded it did I see the caption.  Are you ready for this?  The Photo of the Day is The Soul Nebula!!!  I rotated it to show the view you see here … Can you see the heart?  There are no accidents, my friends.  One Mind, One Heart.  I love you.