You need not sing your praises to another, merely model your best behavior and let others decide what to think. Others are far more concerned with what you think of them. All need to boast and worry of what others think stems from insecurity. Look at the root of this word. Your language speaks volumes: “not secure.” Not secure in what? In being loved. You fear that you will disappear and be nothing if you do not boast or focus on your concerns. This is not the case, and deep inside you know this.

Return to that place of security inside—that fortress with no walls, that rock of strength with no hardness, that heart of the soul where Spirit dwells. Spirit is everywhere at once, you know, but the locus is in the heart. Go there, rest there, and there will be dissolved all feelings of insecurity. There you will know that you are loved and that you ARE love. Resting in that feeling you will be secure.