It matters not what others think of you, only what you think of others. Do you see them with love or with judgment? Do you fear others’ reactions, words, and thoughts? If you have complete control over your own thoughts and actions, then nothing that others say, think, or do matters. Others may sling stones or try to convince you that they know best. They may well know best, but the best you can do is to respond always with loving-kindness. Raised voices are a sign of a lack of self-control. Love is never harsh or out of control. The spirit does not control.

The only thing that you can truly control is your thoughts. This requires great awareness and intention. It is a lofty goal, but one well worth pursuing on this day when many set new intentions. Be the presence of love, in control of your thoughts and emotions. Raise your vibration and in so doing, help to raise those around you.