Synchronicities are signs of the interconnectedness of All That Is.  When we experience “coincidences” that have no rational explanation in the physical world, look beyond the physical world, where consciousness and Infinite Intelligence exists just as it does here.  What follows is the text of an email I recently received.  This wonderful story shows that not only do our beloved pets live on, but they can give us signs every bit as meaningful as our loved ones on the other side can.  I have asked for and received verifiable evidence from clients’ deceased pets in readings, so I know that their souls survive the transition we call death just as human beings’ souls do.  May you be comforted to know that Love lives on in its infinite manifestations.  Here’s the letter …
Dear Suzanne,

I never would have thought that your love of chocolate would bring me to tears.   
For the past 8 years I’ve been heavily involved with volunteer work at the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society.   Over the years, I’ve discovered an aptitude for walking & handling some of the more stressed, troubled dogs.  And due to the fact that I’m generally there several hours per day, 5 days per week, I often develop very special bonds with those animals.   Unfortunately, because of behavioral issues, those same dogs are also at risk & most unlikely to get adopted.   So it was with great sadness that one of my favorites, a pit bull mix named Hershey, was euthanized after many months within the system.
I was particularly close to this energetic young lady who we affectionately called Hershey Girl or Hershey Kiss & my loss was palpable.  (This is “Hershey Girl” in the photo on the left).  That night, as usual under these circumstances, I prayed for a sign indicating that my girl crossed over to a better world.  Without fail, I always pray for an obvious sign, noting that anything too subtle might fly right over this dull boy.  The resounding thud of a two-by-four across the nose might be required to garner my attention.
The next morning at work, I opened one of your emails concerning the summer tour & eventually linked to your Facebook page, which was odd, because I never look at Facebook.  I’m one of the few dinosaurs who still doesn’t have an account, nor the inclination, to spend time on Facebook.  After a brief viewing, I linked to Ty’s Blog, skimmed a few interesting entries & then realized I better get back to work.  One more scroll of the mouse before closing the screen & I’m startled to see a blog entry titled:  “Hershey Girl … ”  It’s accompanied by a picture of you squirting a Hershey’s Chocolate bottle into an ice cream container along with entries regarding your family’s background with Milton Hershey.
At first, it was just a pleasant surprise to see my girl’s name in the blog.  Then I realized this was a “holy crap” moment of the highest degree.  Here was the old proverbial two-by-four between the eyes, Hershey appearing on a website from an author of an incredible afterlife book I had just finished reading!  Some might say this was a coincidence, but I’d disagree.  The thought that this message came from spirit and that my girl was fine shook me to the core.  I quickly closed my office door lest someone walk in & see their misty-eyed boss choking up over a picture of Hershey’s syrup.  Explain that one, will you? 
It might sound insignificant to some, but when you’ve bonded with these stressed, confused, homeless, unwanted animals & you’ve experienced enormous losses over the years, a sign such as this is overwhelmingly joyful.  Walking into the shelter the next day becomes much easier when you believe (or in your case…know!) that our loved ones, both people & animals, continue living across the veil.
Thank you for listening to this long-winded “tail” (ha, ha) & for telling your amazingly intense personal story in “Messages of Hope. ” Your journey resonated very deeply with me & I’ll be following your guidance in the years ahead. 
Best Wishes & Thanks for All You Do,