Yearly Archives: 2023


Without Labels

2023-04-09T08:18:16-04:00April 9th, 2023|

How instantly do you label things good or bad? Do you realize this is a habit? You are like a computer at times, when strictly focused on the objective world. Do not worry. To be like a computer is also not good or bad. It is the way of things [...]

With Divine Timing

2023-04-08T08:07:35-04:00April 8th, 2023|

“With perfect timing.” Are you not aware when this happens? Do you think this is an accident when things unfold or begin or end at “just the right time”? What do you think “synchronicity” means? It has that sacred element of divine timing. Since time is part of your world, [...]

Close to Home

2023-04-07T06:07:41-04:00April 7th, 2023|

Did you get enough rest? Are you taking care of yourself? Are you feeding yourself well or poorly? Is it becoming apparent to you why you feel the way you do? Are you surrounding yourself with loving people? Are you loving yourself? Ah, there’s the rub. Examine your thoughts and [...]


2023-04-06T08:09:55-04:00April 6th, 2023|

You go through periods of great growth, and then things seem to slow down. Why is this? Have you failed in some way? Not at all! You are being given time to integrate what has been learned and experienced. You are being given time to practice new skills and abilities. [...]


2023-04-05T07:32:34-04:00April 5th, 2023|

You need not suffer more. Take the amount of suffering you have endured and know that an equal and opposite Joy is yours for the taking. Can you imagine a Joy that intense? This is the gift your suffering can bring you, and yet, no suffering is necessary at all [...]


2023-04-04T07:59:21-04:00April 4th, 2023|

Never give up hope … for yourself. You are a work in progress. You know when you are not aligned with your deepest essence. The feeling is not comfortable. What a gift is this discomfort. May it remind you there is another way, a more loving way, a softer, kinder, [...]


2023-04-03T08:08:38-04:00April 3rd, 2023|

Do you wish to feel your loved ones who have passed more clearly? And what of your guides and the angels? Do you wish to feel Joy, that highest of energies that encompasses all? Begin at home. Not with those with whom you abide, although that will help as well. [...]

Pause and Be

2023-04-02T07:44:12-04:00April 2nd, 2023|

You are always waiting for something, for in your world of cause and effect, the effects take time to appear. Do you allow this to frustrate you? Most certainly you allow that which you are waiting for to take your attention away from this present moment. And then what? You [...]


2023-04-01T07:29:59-04:00April 1st, 2023|

Tools. They are quite necessary to perform a task. Without tools, you are prone to making effort without results. Frustration ensues. What tools do you have to navigate your soul’s journey? They are many and are waiting for you to pick them up and use. Where do you find them? [...]

One Light

2023-03-31T08:30:43-04:00March 31st, 2023|

You are given helpers for a reason. One person cannot do it all. You are part of a web of human helpers and those you cannot see. The human ones are easy for you to detect. The guides may not be as easy to perceive. How many times do you [...]


2023-03-30T07:53:29-04:00March 30th, 2023|

Why do you love the feeling of a warm blanket wrapped around you? Why does it make you feel safe and comforted? It is not what you think. It is not what you think or feel at all … it is what you know: “I am a beautiful being of [...]

Your Lifeline

2023-03-29T09:04:43-04:00March 29th, 2023|

When will you realize you cannot be separated from your Source? It will happen as you undo teaching which put God on a pedestal high above and apart from you. How can this be when you are being breathed? God is your Lifeline … literally, dear one. Picture the screen [...]

Just Imagine

2023-03-28T08:20:23-04:00March 28th, 2023|

So many are awakening to their deeper nature. It is time. The difference between sleeping and awakening is profound. What do you discover when you awaken from a dream? That there are various states you can enjoy. You are not stuck in your human drama. You can dream your way [...]


2023-03-27T08:18:26-04:00March 27th, 2023|

Have you ever loved someone or something with all your heart? Take that feeling and turn it around. Know that you are loved this much and more by the Source of your being. By grace, in a moment of sheer bliss, you will understand this feeling and know how very [...]

The Greatest Reward

2023-03-26T08:24:49-04:00March 26th, 2023|

The greatest reward of a life lived consciously is to know how very loved you are. The greatest reward of awakening to your inseparable connection with your Source and the angels who guide you is the freedom to choose whatever is in your highest good at any moment and know [...]

Bursting Forth

2023-03-25T08:28:40-04:00March 25th, 2023|

What if you move awareness outside the body? Have you ever tried this? If you identify your “self” as the body, then such a move does not occur to you, and you remain self-centered. Then you are the center of the universe and all revolves around you. This is true, [...]


2023-03-24T08:07:11-04:00March 24th, 2023|

How much do you miss because you are focused on the next thing and the one after that? There is a reason for presence. There is a Presence within you—the one that breathes you—that is here to guide you always, but you cannot be aware of it as long as [...]


2023-03-22T08:07:22-04:00March 22nd, 2023|

Your loved ones who have passed are still right here. This begs repeating often, for as long as you gaze through physical eyes only, you will be deceived. You may not perceive the presence of your beloved with your physical eyes, but trust us, they are more present than you [...]


2023-03-21T08:05:02-04:00March 21st, 2023|

How much do you need to be happy? Do you crave more, more, more? And if what you are craving is not readily available, perhaps you go in search of a substitute. And when this no longer satisfies? Do not despair. This craving, this wanting is merely an indicator that [...]


2023-03-20T08:00:24-04:00March 20th, 2023|

Be the presence of love that you are, dear. Then you need have no fear. Then the recurring dreams will fade away In the Light of day. This is a Light that never goes out. Where once there was doubt, Now there is knowing That this inner glowing is your [...]

The Soul Cause

2023-03-19T08:46:51-04:00March 19th, 2023|

You are part of a system. You do not live or breathe or think or act in isolation. The idea that you do is the sole cause of your suffering. Not the soul cause, for the soul knows better. And because you cannot be separated from the soul, there is [...]


2023-03-18T08:06:52-04:00March 18th, 2023|

You see a flower’s petals and you know beauty. You touch their softness and you know goodness. You see a pile of garbage and you know what is not beautiful. You hear screaming and you know the opposite of goodness. You know these differences innately. No one needs to tell [...]


2023-03-17T07:58:26-04:00March 17th, 2023|

Others will think whatever they want about you. They may criticize you aloud. How this affects you is up to you. Do you believe what they say? Is it absolutely true? Look closely at the word “absolutely” and understand its meaning. At the human level, it is all about contrast [...]

The Juice

2023-03-16T07:06:31-04:00March 16th, 2023|

Are you a computer? Of course not, but the brain acts like one. It is not the source of your actions and decisions. It performs functions in response to a much higher Source. You are part of a system of interconnected parts. While this may sound mechanistic, it is anything [...]


2023-03-15T07:54:02-04:00March 15th, 2023|

You say you do not hear from your guides, but you are mistaken. They speak to you consistently, but you think these are your own thoughts. How would you know? Those helpful thoughts that suggest you do this or that … could they come from helpful beings with a higher [...]

No Matter What

2023-03-14T07:39:02-04:00March 14th, 2023|

Perhaps it is time for a reminder. You can choose how you react to situations and events once the initial surprise has passed. “Isn’t that interesting” is one of the most valuable phrases you can keep in your toolbox of responses. It is far better than, “This is the worst [...]

Your Focus

2023-03-13T08:16:13-04:00March 13th, 2023|

What you focus upon becomes your reality. Instantly. In this case, we are speaking of the way chemicals course through the body in response to thoughts. Thoughts of gratitude release pleasure hormones. Thoughts of judgment and negativity release stress hormones. Are you aware of this? And who controls your thoughts? [...]


2023-03-12T08:20:25-04:00March 12th, 2023|

When you say, “I love you,” what is the meaning you assign to these words? Perhaps, “I appreciate you.” Perhaps, “I feel a complete connection with you from the soul level.” Do you yet realize that you are connected with all that is at the soul level? Anything less than [...]

In the Silence

2023-03-11T07:51:20-05:00March 11th, 2023|

In the silence, what do you hear? Yes, this is a silly question. If it is silent, there is nothing to hear. How long can you go before a thought or image breaks the silence? Not long at all. Use the silence to punctuate that which arises and stands out. [...]

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