Monthly Archives: August 2015



2015-08-06T07:09:52-04:00August 6th, 2015|

Head and heart, human and spirit, masculine and feminine … all of these represent energetic aspects of the self. The more each of these aspects is in balance with the other, the more peace you feel. Body, mind, and spirit all work together to form a whole. Why do you [...]

Working Out the Bugs

2015-08-05T08:18:36-04:00August 5th, 2015|

"Isn't that Interesting!" This is the phrase Sanaya has taught me to say to maintain neutrality and find peace when facing a challenge.  We recently migrated Sanaya's daily messages from a Blogger platform to my website.  The process was not without growing pains, providing us with ample opportunities to use our [...]


2015-08-05T08:01:42-04:00August 5th, 2015|

Life is but a dream … so where will you row your boat, and will you do so merrily? Have you experienced the lucid dream state in which you know you are dreaming and then participate actively in it? You do not like the direction it is going, and so [...]


2015-08-04T06:42:59-04:00August 4th, 2015|

We ask you to examine your aspen trees. On the surface of one grove, you see individual trees of varying sizes and ages, all appearing separate. Underneath what appears to be a surface—the earthly ground—lies a vast web of connections: the root system. What appears to be separate is but [...]


2015-08-03T06:33:53-04:00August 3rd, 2015|

When miracles happen you are astonished. Miracles are but a brief parting of the veil that allows you to have the unwavering knowingness that there is more … more than this physical experience. A miracle is a “no other explanation” moment that tells you that you are not alone and [...]

In Potential

2015-08-02T06:33:45-04:00August 2nd, 2015|

Be cautious when you criticize or judge another for a certain act, for the same potential lies within you. “Oh, no. I could never do that!” you say, but if you are honest with your ego, you will find examples when you have done so, or—heaven forbid—you will find yourself [...]

Change Agents

2015-08-01T06:38:10-04:00August 1st, 2015|

“But (s)he has changed so much!” you complain, and this is understandable. One you have come to know has decided to take on a new role, but you have not. Or have you? All of life is about change. Some remain very fixed in their roles and change little. They [...]

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