Monthly Archives: November 2014


The Main Character

2014-11-07T12:43:00-05:00November 7th, 2014|

There are many layers to every story … subplots running through a single theme.  Many characters come into play, coming and going for a reason.  In a well-crafted story, there are no extraneous characters—all serve a purpose, and so it is with the characters in your life.  Even those you [...]

True Growth

2014-11-06T11:45:00-05:00November 6th, 2014|

You will always emerge stronger from your challenges.  Yes, you may feel as if you descend to the depths of despair, but from the firm bottom you bounce back even higher.  If you always stay on even ground, there is little growth.  It is by experiencing diversity that you learn.  [...]

In the Driver’s Seat

2014-11-05T12:33:00-05:00November 5th, 2014|

What place does fear hold in your life?  A front seat, back seat, or ever shifting?  For most humans fear is ever-present in your vehicle, but you remain oblivious to this passenger.  He takes up unnecessary room and adds weight you do not need, making your ride through life a [...]

A Special Video

2014-11-05T03:09:00-05:00November 5th, 2014|

(Note from Suzanne) Wow!  Unity of Chattanooga did an amazing job of putting together a video of my message at their Sunday Service.  The evidence and touching stories from the other side that I share in this half-hour talk affirm Sanaya's message given to us today (November 4th, that our loved [...]

If You Enjoy the Daily Messages …

2014-11-05T02:59:00-05:00November 5th, 2014|

(Note from Suzanne) A transcript and recording of the latest session with Sanaya held Sunday, November 2nd in Central Florida is now available at  I have received heart-warming feedback from several in attendance informing me of the immense emotional healing they received from both the message and the energy [...]

Rest Assured

2014-11-04T13:28:00-05:00November 4th, 2014|

When you feel as if you cannot go on after a loss, know that you can.  You are still here for a reason.  Pain is part of the process of grief.  Few escape it, but it is also part of the human belief system and need not be quite so [...]

2014-11-03T22:02:00-05:00November 3rd, 2014|

Note from Suzanne:  You may recall that the first time I felt the presence of Sanaya's energy, I asked, "Who are you?"  They said, "You will call us Sanaya, and you will write and write and write as Sanaya."  When I came out of that meditation I googled the name [...]

This Moment

2014-11-03T13:08:00-05:00November 3rd, 2014|

Worries, worries, worries.  Where do they live?  In the future.  It is a future filled with “what ifs” and “what if it does nots.”  And what of this moment?  You are never given more than you can bear, and when it feels as if you cannot bear another moment, we [...]


2014-11-02T12:56:00-05:00November 2nd, 2014|

Individual groups of thoughts are like eddies in a river of consciousness.  If powerful enough, they swirl off in a different direction, often sucking in those who come near enough.  Soon those swirling in the eddy believe they are the main river, yet all they are doing is going round [...]

Being You

2014-11-01T13:22:00-04:00November 1st, 2014|

There is no need to apologize for who you are.  This being you is cause for celebration.  Perhaps you do not think or act as most around you do.  Do you feel the need to conform or to apologize for not conforming?  Study this need.   The only question that matters [...]

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