Monthly Archives: January 2012


The Never-Ending Search

2012-01-03T13:56:00-05:00January 3rd, 2012|

Surprisingly, beauty is found in what you might consider some of the ugliest places. Why does a flower bloom amid debris? For you cannot suppress Spirit. All arises from love, and what could be more beautiful? Spirit is ever trying to make its presence known. Even in the midst of [...]

Your Symphony

2012-01-02T12:51:00-05:00January 2nd, 2012|

Note from Suzanne: I am providing a photograph of a record player for those of you who have forgotten what they looked like (or those of you who have never seen one. Ha!)A record goes round and round on a turntable. It is the needle in the groove which produces [...]

In Control

2012-01-01T14:04:00-05:00January 1st, 2012|

It matters not what others think of you, only what you think of others. Do you see them with love or with judgment? Do you fear others’ reactions, words, and thoughts? If you have complete control over your own thoughts and actions, then nothing that others say, think, or do [...]

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