Monthly Archives: July 2024


2024-07-03T09:58:34-04:00July 3rd, 2024|

You are accustomed to thinking that all of your thoughts come from within the brain. The brain is a processor of patterns of energy and information within a field of energy information that is identifiable as your human body system. If this sounds dry, know that all of these interrelated frequencies mean [...]

Without Fear

2024-07-02T10:57:50-04:00July 2nd, 2024|

Do not be afraid of what humans call mental illness. What causes the fear? The idea that one will not fit in, be looked at askance, cast aside. Can you feel the effects of such thoughts in the body? When you encounter another who is acting or speaking outside the [...]

Do you see?

2024-07-01T10:04:51-04:00July 1st, 2024|

You say you do not see your guides. Perhaps you are trying to see them in the normal human way of seeing objectively with the eyes. Do you not say occasionally, “Did you see what happened?” And this could refer just as well to an experience. You felt goosebumps erupt. [...]

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