Step Into Your Power
“I am just …” “You are just a …” Think of when you have heard or used such phrases with the meaning of “only” or “a little bit” … in some way restricted or limited. It is a be-little-ing term, is it not? “Oh, I was just kidding,” and in this [...]
Law of Balance
Hear us well: being spiritual does not mean that you do not feel pain. You are living in a world of duality, where pain, due to the Law of Balance, is equally present with pleasure. Does this mean you stay in a state of pain once you acknowledge it and [...]
Your Barometer
Not all of your emotions are your own. Do you know of the barometer which rises and falls in response to changes in pressure in the surrounding atmosphere? You, as a field of energy, are like that. The more closely aligned is your energy to another being, the more reactive [...]
Choose Love
It is all about the experience—this thing called Life. It is neither good nor bad, but life unfolding for the opportunity to evolve. You are faced with choices with every experience. Each allows your soul to grow, stretch, expand, or shrink, decay, nullify. How do you optimize each experience, [...]
Allow Spirit to Decide
So many wish to take their own lives when a loved one passes. So closely bonded are you that you feel as if a part of you and in some cases, the whole of you is gone. May it help in some way to know that they are closer than [...]
Your Choice
Into each life some rain must fall. This you know quite well. Your life is a series of ups and downs, highs and lows. How else would you know what light was, if not for the experience of darkness? Do not be in such a hurry to experience our world [...]
You are whole already. You are complete. Nothing is lacking in your basic essence as spirit. Picture a sphere filled with love, filled to overflowing. That is you. Relationships merely add a different dimension. You will appreciate the play on words. Relationships exist for you to realize your fullness, your [...]
Did you know that the “I” within you is the same as within all others? That “I” is here to shine, to experience, to be. It is indivisible Consciousness, and where there is no division, this is love. Why do you not see “I” in all others? For you are [...]
Utter Peace
Your thoughts set you free or hold you prisoner. What do you focus upon? What do you affirm repeatedly throughout the day? Is this not, then, your reality? Are you tired of not feeling well? What do you focus upon? Are you tired of being sad? What do you focus [...]
From the One
Have no fear, Spirit is here. What is Spirit, but Consciousness—the One Mind expressing Itself through the many. That includes you, of course, and yet you think you are alone. You and all you see around you arise from Divinity. If you would only settle down, sink back, and dissolve [...]
Under Construction
Do you react the same way each time someone pushes your buttons or interacts with you in some way that is not to your liking? That is a construct. A construct is a fabrication, a structure, a pattern of responses that serves as a crutch to hold up who you [...]
Since you cannot know the entirety of your magnificence, as you are an aspect of Source, a projection, a ray of the Light that makes up All That Is, why not get to know this little light? And yet, if you are just a fraction of the brilliance that would [...]
Tuning In
So subtle. That is how the little snags from spirit—higher consciousness—can be. You might call them nudges. They come from within as the still, small voice, always benign, always loving, and they come to guide you. It is nigh unto impossible to hear them when ego is chattering away, blaring [...]