Yearly Archives: 2017


Life is …

2017-12-31T08:12:28-05:00December 31st, 2017|

Life flows.  You cannot stop it, even if you take life into your own hands.  Life is the movement of God.  Change this word and see if the understanding deepens: Life is the movement of Consciousness. Life is the movement of Being. Life is the movement of Vibration. Life is [...]

Get On Board

2017-12-30T08:20:07-05:00December 30th, 2017|

What is this shift in consciousness everyone is talking about?  It is the human being awakening from unconscious behavior to conscious behavior.  But it is far more than behavior.  It goes to the very core of what you are.  It is awakening from millennia of years of slumber as separate [...]

De-Constructing the Self

2017-12-29T07:47:58-05:00December 29th, 2017|

You have heard the term “self-destructing” in which a person takes actions which are not in their best interest, are not healthy and self-loving.  A better course of action would be self-de-constructing, in awareness that the human self is merely a mental construction—a story built around constructs:  thoughts, beliefs, and [...]


2017-12-28T07:35:27-05:00December 28th, 2017|

You are on a roll.  Do not stop now.  Continue the awakening process that never ends.  Just when you think you have “got it,” you encounter another obstacle, another test, but little by little you notice that you handle these tests differently.  This shows growth—far less sleepy behavior.  Congratulations.  The [...]

A Process

2017-12-27T08:15:14-05:00December 27th, 2017|

Have you noticed? The self-same qualities you ridicule in another come back to be displayed in yourself? One moment you are pointing out a fault in one with whom you live, and then, if you are honest with yourself, you catch yourself doing the same thing you criticized. Oh, we [...]

Today’s Message & a Live Online Session with Sanaya Tomorrow!

2017-12-26T08:16:42-05:00December 26th, 2017|

Hi Friends!  Join me tomorrow evening, Wednesday, December 27th, at 8:00 PM Eastern time for a live online session in which I will connect with Sanaya and allow them to share directly with you.  We will be using Zoom, which offers video through your PC, iPad, iPhone or Android.  Be [...]

Who You Are

2017-12-24T08:16:19-05:00December 24th, 2017|

Ideas about yourself are just thoughts, and yet you give them such weight, such density, such importance.  “I am a(n) _______.”  Fill in the blank if you will, and in so doing, you have set yourself apart.  Thoughts so strongly believed become thought-forms, as if they are entities of their [...]


2017-12-23T07:14:23-05:00December 23rd, 2017|

What do you need to know in this moment?  You are enough.  Information will continue to flow in … insights.  Greater awareness will be yours as you learn to relax in this moment now and know you have and are everything you need.  Cease the striving and the urge to [...]

A Chore No More

2017-12-22T08:05:36-05:00December 22nd, 2017|

You love your meditation time, or your reading time, or whatever time is special to you.  You feel at peace.  Now think of some activity you must do daily.  You consider it a chore, both literally and figuratively.  You likely have many.  Bring to your awareness what you feel as [...]

From the Top

2017-12-21T08:33:44-05:00December 21st, 2017|

With a top-down view, you are concerned about all others, not just your own story.  With a top-down view, you know that all of your needs are met as you allow Higher Consciousness to guide your every action.  With a top-down view, you know that human life has its ups [...]


2017-12-20T07:53:17-05:00December 20th, 2017|

As you sit in meditation, preparing to connect with Higher Consciousness, remember who you are:  you are a light—a projection of Consciousness which arises from pure Being—the Light.  As you use devices of the mind to remember and connect with who you are—words, images, feelings—perhaps you use the verbal cue, [...]


2017-12-19T08:12:05-05:00December 19th, 2017|

Have you forgotten something?  That which you have forgotten is not stored in your mind.  You will not find it there, so do not expend effort and frustrate yourself trying to find it there.  What you have forgotten is that you are pure Consciousness, not “only human.”  What you have [...]

Beyond the Story

2017-12-18T08:22:05-05:00December 18th, 2017|

Why do you curl up in a ball when afraid or in despair?  You call it the fetal position.  You are returning to a state when you felt safe and protected, for you had no story.  Only with the story comes psychological fear and pain.  Before the story, you knew [...]


2017-12-17T07:09:03-05:00December 17th, 2017|

Pictures on a wall.  They stop you in your path and you stare.  Memories flood the mind, creating emotions, possibly tears.  Do you see the progression?  Trigger, thought, emotions, tears.  This can be controlled if you do not like the tears.  If they are happy tears and you enjoy the [...]


2017-12-16T07:07:46-05:00December 16th, 2017|

The holidays are a time for celebration, for gathering together, but what if you do not feel like doing either?  Most likely something in your life has changed.  Then why don’t you change your holiday routine?  Life is about change.  When life changes and you do not, then suffering occurs.  [...]

Power in Numbers

2017-12-15T08:03:07-05:00December 15th, 2017|

Collaboration.  You achieve so much more when you combine your talents and energies with others of like mind and heart.  This may seem self-evident, but are you applying this wisdom?  You ask, “What is my purpose?” and others have been put in your path in answer to your question.  Have [...]

Clear Skies

2017-12-14T07:57:32-05:00December 14th, 2017|

When you weather a storm, afterwards you may feel a bit battered and tattered.  Rest.  Hopefully, you know what you have learned and what you have gained.  “Gained?” you ask.  Yes, even if a few trees were knocked down and the power flickered for a while, space has been cleared.  [...]

New Video

2017-12-13T10:29:43-05:00December 13th, 2017|

Hello Everyone, I did not get a message from Sanaya in meditation this morning.  They told me that would happen from time to time!  For a little inspiration today, please enjoy this 3-minute video I posted today on Youtube--a short story I shared in last night's monthly mentoring webinar: With [...]

At Your Service

2017-12-12T08:17:39-05:00December 12th, 2017|

When you feel the need to justify your words or actions, pause.  Shift your awareness to the heart.  From where comes this need?  Why are you defensive?  If, in checking with your heart, you feel no need to justify, then do not do so.  If you continue to feel the [...]

Welcome Home

2017-12-11T08:12:22-05:00December 11th, 2017|

When you become so immersed in your story—the human drama that is playing out around you—that you are unable to feel your connection with the higher realms, you make it more difficult for your guides to reach you as well.  You can call on us, but if you are doing [...]


2017-12-09T07:58:53-05:00December 9th, 2017|

This is the day the Lord hath made.  If these words sound a bit heavy to you, perhaps you will resonate with these: “This is the day that Love has created.”  Look around you.  Find a bit of beauty.  More than likely you will find it in nature, for where [...]


2017-12-08T07:49:59-05:00December 8th, 2017|

Life is a process, and it is ongoing.  You are here for the evolution of the soul.  And how does the soul evolve?  Through your choices as a human.  Your choices support the soul.  You are both human and soul.  The soul depends upon you to listen to its nudges.  [...]

Out of Ignorance

2017-12-07T07:09:30-05:00December 7th, 2017|

When another slings words that hurt you, they are doing so out of ignorance.  “Oh no,” you say, “they knew exactly what they were saying.”  Hear us well:  Any time one human hurts another, they do so out of ignorance that they are also hurting themself.  How can one finger [...]

With Understanding

2017-12-06T07:46:00-05:00December 6th, 2017|

What is the root of resentment?  The answer is quite simple:  pain.  And it quite often has nothing to do with the person who is being resented.   “Oh, she thinks she’s so pretty.”  “He thinks he’s so smart.”  Does it matter what the other thinks or if they are truly [...]


2017-12-05T07:45:59-05:00December 5th, 2017|

We have earlier likened your path to a balance beam.  Today we take you to the end of that beam, which in a way you reach with every step, for your path is always laid out before you.  Yes, certain lessons have been agreed upon.  Yes, you will have alternate [...]

Natural State

2017-12-04T08:13:24-05:00December 4th, 2017|

You look in the mirror and see the same reflection looking back at you as always.  But wait.  Something stands out and draws your attention unlike each other time.  Perhaps it is a blemish.  Perhaps it is hair that stands up.  Whatever it is that stands up or stands out, [...]

Getting Back Up

2017-12-03T07:58:03-05:00December 3rd, 2017|

If you are walking on a balance beam, how do you maintain your balance?  Do you have to think, “Lean right, now lean left”?  No.  There is innate wisdom within.  Your task is to remain focused on the objective and let that Wisdom do its work.  Should you lose your [...]

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