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So far Jayesh Mitha has created 387 blog entries.

#52 The Light of Love

2009-08-28T08:36:23-04:00August 28th, 2009|

Two poems today (#52 and #53) When toward the light you travel Mysteries of the world unravel There you’ll find All things divine Comfort beyond measure Greater than your greatest treasure For there beyond the curtain One thing you’ll know for certain: Love is real It’s warmth you’ll feel Undeniable [...]

#53 Essence and Energy

2009-08-28T08:33:22-04:00August 28th, 2009|

Two poems today (#52 and #53) I am. Before a single sprout arose through the dirt A seed of thought took root Planted firmly This is how it all began The mind of God it did expand And grow Hoping for itself to know Thought Like a river it does [...]

Poem #51 True Prayer and the Nature of God

2009-08-27T08:39:14-04:00August 27th, 2009|

At the end of the day Sit with us and pray And at the beginning, too When each day starts anew Prayer in any form is good Connects you with the Source But there are better ways than others To speak with God, of course Prayer should come from deep [...]

Poem #49 The Center of the Circle

2009-08-26T08:52:10-04:00August 26th, 2009|

Search not in the sky For love Within it doth lie Faintly glowing until The brain you do still Be as one in mind With God, your Creator Save this though not until later Unity is the Source of all creation Without a Source there can be no nation Yet, [...]

Poem #50 A Question About Sensing Spirit

2009-08-26T08:50:34-04:00August 26th, 2009|

A friend asked the question: "Why can’t I see or understand with my physical mind what I have always felt inside?” Spirit works not as most people think We have no need for food and drink We see not with physical eyes Touch and taste no compromise Our hearing comes [...]

Poem #48 A Perfect Body or a Perfect Spirit

2009-08-25T08:53:07-04:00August 25th, 2009|

A hand curls into a fist A limb misshapen From some a perfect body is taken But he who knows of imperfection Knows greater truths beyond detection Many look with pity on the soul Who they picture as not quite whole Oh, what a shame! They do proclaim But they [...]

Poem #47 Home is Where the Heart Is

2009-08-22T08:54:39-04:00August 22nd, 2009|

This life it has its challenges That all must face This is part of being a member Of the human race Face each day with joy Look toward the sun and smile Every little moment Stop and think awhile Of all the many ways God fills your hours and days [...]

Poem #46 The Glory of Nature

2009-08-21T08:56:19-04:00August 21st, 2009|

Curtains rustle by the window A gentle breeze blows against the folds The cloth gives way To mysteries untold From where cometh the breeze? Does it come from the trees? Or is it Spirit driven? Yet another gift God’s given … All of nature tells a story Of God’s great [...]

Poem #45 The Touch of Love

2009-08-20T08:58:05-04:00August 20th, 2009|

Silence the wind It bellows and howls through the night Filling young minds with fright “Oh, please, turn on the light!” They cry Great fear in the eye Soothe a furrowed brow To calm them, you know how Wipe away the tears Help dissolve the fears This is what a [...]

Poem #44 Knights in Shining Armor

2009-08-19T09:18:59-04:00August 19th, 2009|

An interesting experience today. I’ve been dealing with a lot of personal doubts, feeling that I’m making up the words in the poems. I decided to make a concerted effort today and write only what I hear without letting my mind jump ahead and find a word that rhymes to [...]

Poem #42 Focus on What Truly Matters

2009-08-18T09:22:05-04:00August 18th, 2009|

Write these words today Hasten not to play Surely you can hear our voice Beyond the many thoughts which intrude upon your brain The message it is plain History has been unkind The battles of mankind Constant use of force Takes a toll Leaves you less than whole Forget the [...]

Poem #43 The Nature of Hell

2009-08-18T09:20:32-04:00August 18th, 2009|

Again, two poems today, #42 and #42, this one in answer to my question, "What is Hell?" Hell’s a place that knows no shame There go those who’ve played the game And lost- Their time on earth they wasted God’s great love they never tasted Spent their days in anger [...]

Poem #40 Gone From Your Sight

2009-08-17T09:35:36-04:00August 17th, 2009|

Two poems today (#40 and #41) Gone from your sight But not from your memories … You loved them so When they did walk upon this earth Their tears you wiped away And then one day In the blink of an eye They disappear No longer here To touch and [...]

Poem #41 The Transition

2009-08-17T09:30:18-04:00August 17th, 2009|

Two poems today (#40 and #41) Who can say At the end of the day Who lives on and who goes to sleep? Who crosses through the door toward the light … Takes flight You know not these things while here you live But know to each the Lord does [...]

Poem #39 The Ego vs.the Spirit

2009-08-16T09:40:03-04:00August 16th, 2009|

How long must man go on fighting one another? Since time began men have bickered The flames ever flickered Stones they did sharpen Weapons used to kill Forever still When the blood of the body Flows from holes poked with points Broken joints … All of this unnecessary Keeps you [...]

Poem #37 Youre Not Alone in Your Troubles

2009-08-15T09:48:01-04:00August 15th, 2009|

I received two poems today, #37 and #38 (so check them both out). For this first one, I simply listened ... Wholesome and carefree In the days of your youth No worries to trouble you. How life changes through the years See the difference with your tears All the struggle [...]

Poem #38 Reincarnation

2009-08-15T09:46:05-04:00August 15th, 2009|

For this second poem today, I asked Mike's question: "What can you tell us about reincarnation?" Lives on earth are short-lived in your time But measured this way cuts it fine So much to do Hard to fit into one life All the lessons and the strife So you come [...]

Poem #36 The Truth is Inside

2009-08-14T09:58:47-04:00August 14th, 2009|

You create with your thoughts The world you live in. Many are the minds that contribute to your reality. Each has his own view Of how things are true Each one certain His way is right. They hold their thoughts dear Even though it’s clear That many minds see differently. [...]

Poem #35 Gods Gift

2009-08-13T10:00:36-04:00August 13th, 2009|

“If at first you don’t succeed Try, try again” Words such as these Spur the deeds of men But how, pray tell Do things get done When you think that you’re The only one? Nothing happens by itself Your fame, your glory, and your wealth… These are gifts given to [...]

Poem #34 True Beauty

2009-08-12T10:02:04-04:00August 12th, 2009|

Beauty comes in many forms On the earth you have your norms But when one doesn’t measure up You see it with scorn. Push it aside Attempt to hide That which you label ugly How unkind! Don’t you see? All is beautiful in God’s eye Nothing ever passes by That [...]

Poem #32 What Should I Do With These Poems?

2009-08-11T10:04:12-04:00August 11th, 2009|

First spoken poem. I ask: What would you like me to do with these poems … will I do one on one readings, or write a book? Do you see me standing before large groups and speaking extemporaneously to answer people’s questions? How far can we go with this? (Note: [...]

Poem #31 Theres a Reason for Pain

2009-08-10T10:10:36-04:00August 10th, 2009|

Oh little children, we do love you so This please know There comes a time in each person’s life When they will face much stress and strife But carry on through all the pain In every heartache, there’s much to gain. You think that life should be Completely sweet and [...]

Poem #29 How Do Butterflies Become Signs?

2009-08-09T10:13:08-04:00August 9th, 2009|

I asked: How do butterflies become signs from the spirit world? You think and see things with limited eyes You don’t understand how vast is the mind That controls all of nature. We can move mountains if we wish But there’s no point in this A tiny insect we can [...]

Poem #30 Where Do The Answers Come From?

2009-08-09T10:11:45-04:00August 9th, 2009|

Today I asked the spirit world a very personal question from a friend. I was interested in what would come through because I had no idea what the answer was. Once the words started flowing, however, I knew the answer very clearly, so when I was finished writing her poem, [...]

Poems #28 What Type of Questions Do You Want?

2009-08-08T10:14:11-04:00August 8th, 2009|

#28 8AUG09 Poem #27 was another personal one in answer to a friend's question. I'm getting the clear impression that the spirit world wants me to use them to help people in this way, so I asked what types of questions they would like to answer from other people… Truth [...]

Poem #26 Boys and Their Toys

2009-08-07T10:15:46-04:00August 7th, 2009|

I got snippets of lines that in the back of my mind I recognized from previous poems (Since time began, there’s been a plan… Heaven isn’t far, it’s right here where you are… Co-create, that’s your fate …) I asked them to give me something different, and they did: limericks!!! [...]

Poem #25 Heroes

2009-08-06T10:25:11-04:00August 6th, 2009|

So what happened to poems #23 and #24? Well, I tried an experiment. I had two friends give me questions to ask the Council of Poets. I asked and received two beautiful poems in response. The answers are very personal, though, so I don't want to put them on the [...]

Poem #22 Gods Hand in Nature

2009-08-04T10:27:27-04:00August 4th, 2009|

Comes the morning Without warning Tis the dawn of a new day. Come out and play This we say Colored lanterns light the way Along a path of lilies Flowers of the field Great beauty they do yield Scurry down the trail T’ward the holy grail Of light and love [...]

Poem #21 Where Cares Are Lost

2009-08-03T10:31:19-04:00August 3rd, 2009|

I sat down to meditate thinking that I should have waited until later in the day. I was a bit out of sorts due to things happening with our plans. I felt a presence, but I wasn’t getting anything. I also kept drifting off, then I felt the need to [...]

Poem #20 The Mind: The Greatest Instrument

2009-08-02T10:34:53-04:00August 2nd, 2009|

Before I began today's meditation, I was thinking (worrying, actually) that the words that are coming through in these poems are very simple and they're all starting to sound the same. Well, the spirit world put me in my place today. As for the Latin at the beginning, no, I [...]

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