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So far Jayesh Mitha has created 387 blog entries.

Poem #80 On Judgment

2009-09-29T11:09:26-04:00September 29th, 2009|

Many differences have you all. To love or to hate—that is your call. In judgment you do sit and think. But who are you to say? What’s good to one, to another is bad. What makes one happy, to another makes sad. Yet these beliefs do hold you back. They [...]

Poem #79 The Gift of Love

2009-09-28T11:19:43-04:00September 28th, 2009|

Prose. Words of beauty put together. Words used to describe things of your world. But what of beauty which words can’t describe? The beauty and love deep inside? For this you need the heart. Feel the waves ... The flow of love that burns within the chest. It lies in [...]

Poem #78 The Cycle

2009-09-27T11:20:54-04:00September 27th, 2009|

Today's poem is unlike any of the others ... This one's not meant for me (I'm not grieving, nor depressed in the slightest). Very thought provoking. Very different. Grief. Like a knife it does pierce. A bite so fierce. Oh, the pain. I’ll never be the same. Survive. I’m still [...]

Poem #77 Live Your Life in Service

2009-09-26T11:22:25-04:00September 26th, 2009|

Dedicate your life in service. It’s the best gift you can give. So that others who come in your path Much better they may live. We speak of this same thought a lot. For it’s your greatest task. To give to others your great gift Is all that we do [...]

Poem #76 Creating Goals and Dreams

2009-09-25T11:23:34-04:00September 25th, 2009|

Dreams and goals are good to have. They keep you well on track; Forever moving forward, And never turning back. Sitting in the silence Is the perfect way to start. In this space you form your dreams And feel them in your heart. You know not what the future holds [...]

Poem #75 On Service to Others

2009-09-24T11:24:53-04:00September 24th, 2009|

Knights in shining armor Ride in on a white horse To rescue the fair damsel. It’s a fairy tale, of course. But in your world exist a few Who like the shining knight, Do come to others’ rescue. Like an angel they take flight. Who are these earthly angels Who [...]

Poem #74 Good vs. Evil

2009-09-23T11:26:26-04:00September 23rd, 2009|

(I felt a very strong male presence. My writing was in block print) How do you know The right way to go When with a blindfold you do walk? You see not the way before you But stumble on. The path is lighted, If only you would open your eyes [...]

Poem #73 The Interconnectedness of Life

2009-09-22T11:33:44-04:00September 22nd, 2009|

A field stretches out before you Its grass is wet with dew And in each tiny drop of water Is hope and faith anew For in your world of matter So many little things Represent the larger world Of which all nature sings All that you see is just a [...]

Poem #72 Thoughts On Reality

2009-09-21T11:35:22-04:00September 21st, 2009|

I started reading a book last night called "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot.  It seems as if the Council of Poets is trying to clarify some of what I've been wondering about ... Golden orbs do glitter From where do they come? Leaving all to wonder Are they products [...]

Poem #71 The Source of All

2009-09-20T11:36:30-04:00September 20th, 2009|

Energy pulses in rhythmic beats Into eternity the cycle repeats Beating onward like a drum With a mighty, endless hum It marches in step to every wish Like a flock of birds, a school of fish That move together as a whole Thinking only with the soul How do they [...]

A little delay from Mother Nature

2009-09-19T11:37:50-04:00September 19th, 2009|

I'm currently sailing past Boston harbor in 4-5 seas with winds around 25 knots. These conditions make for rather exhilarating sailing, but are not conducive to meditating! I learned the other day that the spirit world is patient with me, so I'll tune in for their next poem when I'm [...]

Poem #70 On Duality

2009-09-18T11:39:56-04:00September 18th, 2009|

What a strong presence I felt today! And totally new ... Years ago when you were young All your days were aimed at fun You played and ran under the sun Unaware of what had begun But deep inside there grew a seed And as it grew there came a [...]

Poem #69 Lifes Real Treasures

2009-09-17T11:41:28-04:00September 17th, 2009|

Yesterday I spent 10 hours sailing from Maine to New Hampshire in 6 foot seas, rocking and rolling, unable to do anything but hang on. I tried to meditate in the morning, but kept sliding about in my chair. I tried again last evening when we got to a marina, [...]

Poem #68 About the Spirit World

2009-09-15T11:43:24-04:00September 15th, 2009|

I sat for quite a while today until my finger twitched. Once I got the first words, I could barely keep up with them, they came so quickly ... Soft as a caress on the skin The voices speak from within Listen closely, can you hear it? It’s the welcome [...]

Poem #67 Health Matters

2009-09-14T11:44:36-04:00September 14th, 2009|

Healing takes place With hands o’er the face There’s no need to touch It works not as such For energy’s the source Through the soul it runs its course Changing the vibration One can feel the warm sensation Sickness comes When mind and body aren’t in sync When harmful thoughts [...]

Poem #66 City Life

2009-09-13T11:47:10-04:00September 13th, 2009|

There's no doubt that my own experiences and consciousness are being used here, for today I'm in Boston, amid the crowds ... The city with its lack of trees And tall, tall buildings that block the breeze So crowded one can hardly breathe Gives you want to run and leave [...]

Poem #66 The Mysteries of Life

2009-09-12T11:49:14-04:00September 12th, 2009|

This morning as I cleared my mind to become receptive to the words, I saw a salamander in my mind's eye. I found this very strange, and like all other thoughts that try to intrude when I'm trying to meditate, I gently pushed it away. The salamander, however, kept coming [...]

Poem #65 On September 11th

2009-09-11T11:50:18-04:00September 11th, 2009|

Two tall buildings took a fall Hate and evil killed them all On this sad and tragic day There are some words we’d like to say Let not evil into your life With its stench you world is rife People kill with hardly a pause Some say it’s part of [...]

Poem #64 What Matters Most

2009-09-10T11:52:47-04:00September 10th, 2009|

As always, I received the words to this poem non-stop in just minutes ... Pay attention to what matters Before all you value ends in tatters Hear our voices You all make choices As the wind blows, the leaves it scatters Blessed are ye With a family To have and [...]

Poem #63 On Love vs. Hate

2009-09-09T11:55:22-04:00September 9th, 2009|

Hold a candle to your fears Light them with the glow, For when the darkness disappears Then true peace you’ll know. * * * There is one thing that all souls crave The one thing that your life will save It’s love that keeps you ever striving Keeps you pushing, [...]

Poem #62 The Nature of Evil

2009-09-08T11:56:11-04:00September 8th, 2009|

A very clearly male presence today. I felt as if I were stabbing the words onto the paper. When I opened my eyes at the end, I saw that unlike my usual script, I had written the poem in square, block print. Reform your ways. Stop the pain. Hasten now [...]

Poem #61 As Close as Your Heart

2009-09-07T11:57:10-04:00September 7th, 2009|

Surrender Give up your tireless efforts Find the peace The great release That comes when you turn your eye Not toward the sky, But deep inside How often do you stop and rest And put your faith to the test For there you’ll find Peace of mind Come now and [...]

Poem #60 We Walk Beside You

2009-09-06T11:58:18-04:00September 6th, 2009|

Time has no meaning in a world of thought A world where nothing can be bought With golden coins and trinkets that gleam A world that to many seems like a dream But we exist nonetheless Free of form and limit We move about within it with great ease To [...]

Poem #59 Cause and Effect

2009-09-05T12:01:15-04:00September 5th, 2009|

With crystal vision you see the trees The mighty oaks with golden leaves Turning every autumn To become brittle and fall to the ground Tired and brown Having served their purpose Their role in the cycle of life complete This life it is replete With stories such as this The [...]

Poem #58 The Ladder of Life

2009-09-03T12:02:17-04:00September 3rd, 2009|

I asked the spirits for more information about the ladder analogy from poem #57 … Climb the rungs Step by step With each rung Higher yet The variety of life experiences Hold them dear For each brings to you From year to year New wisdom Further growth Raise your hand [...]

Poem #57 Two Ways to Approach Life

2009-09-02T12:04:15-04:00September 2nd, 2009|

Look into eternity There in the distance you will see Secrets revealed For all the world’s a mystery To those who open not the eyes But gaze upon the skies And wonder … why? *** There are many levels to reality Each a different vibration You rise upon the ladder [...]

A comment on poem #57

2009-09-02T12:03:17-04:00September 2nd, 2009|

Almost every day I wrestle with my doubts that I am "making up" these poems, even though I don't have any idea what the theme is going to be when I start writing the words I hear. The spirit world is so patient with me, in spite of my doubts. [...]

Poem #56 Why Suffering?

2009-08-31T08:29:28-04:00August 31st, 2009|

Sorrow Sadness Grief Emotions of this life From which you seek relief Fear not the hurt and pain When into your life cometh the rain These are but markers along the journey All must face With life they come apace Never welcome But a needed part of growing Suffer them [...]

Poem #55 What Lies at the Core

2009-08-30T08:30:48-04:00August 30th, 2009|

For clarity of vision Look within That which seems inscrutable See with new vision There inside the spirit lies To animate the body Which walks and speaks Yet knows little of the valley and the peaks Of mighty mountains So high, so forbidding To climb them seems A task quite [...]

Poem #54 The Rhythms of Life

2009-08-29T08:31:53-04:00August 29th, 2009|

Fish swim upstream against the current Dark waves push them back Who can say when all we hold dear Will come under attack? Sit quietly and ponder the future Like that dark wave it does loom Before us Filling us with doom What lies beyond it? You see not through [...]

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