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So far Jayesh Mitha has created 387 blog entries.

Poem #320 Beyond the Physical

2010-06-05T15:54:10-04:00June 5th, 2010|

Awesome experience today. I was sitting outside to meditate with the rising sun behind me. It became so hot that it was burning my back (I had a protective shirt on). I had the fleeting thought to get up and move, when I was pushed back in my chair, my [...]

Poem #319 The Puzzle of Life

2010-06-04T15:54:40-04:00June 4th, 2010|

Sifting through the rubble The damage has been done. Recovery begins at once When you realize all is one. You life sometimes seems shattered – Separate pieces spread around. Fragments of what used to be … Your balance can’t be found. This is the ego acting. It wants you not [...]

Poem #318 Time

2010-06-03T15:55:48-04:00June 3rd, 2010|

Forever seems a long, long time When using measurements of man. But when there’s no beginning or end Then understand eternity you can. In a world where time exists, You measure time as fast or slow. But this just shows how false time is For where does time truly go? [...]

Poem #318 Time

2010-06-03T15:55:16-04:00June 3rd, 2010|

Forever seems a long, long time When using measurements of man. But when there’s no beginning or end Then understand eternity you can. In a world where time exists, You measure time as fast or slow. But this just shows how false time is For where does time truly go? [...]

Poem #317 Rituals and Ceremonies

2010-06-02T15:56:19-04:00June 2nd, 2010|

Ceremonies … rituals … Steps you follow as you’re told. Purposeful and meaningful To some more valuable than gold. Examine why you do these things. What’s the purpose of these acts? Do they bring you closer to your Source? Or are you reciting only facts? There can be great value [...]

Poem #316 Chill Out, Already!

2010-06-01T15:57:00-04:00June 1st, 2010|

Since I’ve been in Sedona I’ve felt unsettlingly disconnected during my meditations. Before getting the poem today I was given the insight that it’s just like when a person takes golfing lessons and you try a bunch of new techniques at once – suddenly nothing works. I went back to [...]

Poem #315 Doorway to the Soul

2010-05-31T15:58:10-04:00May 31st, 2010|

Look into another’s eyes And what there do you see? A reflection of yourself, perhaps A glimpse into your own eternity. And if you look yet deeper You’d see there something more. An opening, of sorts – an entrance… A waiting, open door. Step in through that doorway. Do it [...]

Poem #314 Angels at Your Side

2010-05-30T15:58:45-04:00May 30th, 2010|

Angels may have wings or not. Just know that they are there Watching every step you take – Of your mind and spirit taking care. Some of you may call them guides. It is the self-same thing. For we do guide you through your life. Great wisdom do we bring. [...]

Poem #313 Effortless

2010-05-29T15:59:15-04:00May 29th, 2010|

I wasn't getting anything at first today, so I started to worry. Then I REALLY wasn't getting anything. Then I cleared my mind, and this is what I heard: This process of the poetry Works not when you do try. For only can we speak to you When your own [...]

Poem #312 Perspective

2010-05-28T15:59:47-04:00May 28th, 2010|

Things may not always happen The way you think they should. You have your own perception Of what you think is good. But yours is one perspective. You see things from your eyes. But what would you see if you looked down From a viewpoint in the skies? You’d see [...]

Poem #311 Pure Gold

2010-05-27T16:00:28-04:00May 27th, 2010|

Deep within there lies a treasure Like a vein of gold. In bygone days men mined for this Because of stories they’d been told. They spent all of their money Left their families and their home In search of this illusive gold. Quite far these seekers they did roam. But [...]

Poem #310 What Truly Matters

2010-05-26T16:01:06-04:00May 26th, 2010|

How few are they Who stop each day And take the time to pray. But if they knew They’d stop and say “Oh God, I come to you.” For it is in the silence That remembrance it returns Of whence you came and who you are And why the heart [...]

Poem #309 Heal Your Wounds

2010-05-25T16:01:42-04:00May 25th, 2010|

From Sedona, Arizona Wounds heal, but slowly It depends how deep the cut. But some wounds they heal not at all For you create in them a rut. These are the wounds you cause yourself- Wounds caused by how you think – Accepting false beliefs as true Then as in [...]

Poem #308 Sacred Symbols

2010-05-24T16:02:14-04:00May 24th, 2010|

From Show Low, Arizona Ancient symbols carved in rocks, Their meaning no one knows. But that they meant to worship In the different shapes, this shows. Sacred forms that carry on Repeating through the ages. You see them throughout nature And in your great books’ pages. Circles, spirals, triangles … [...]

Poem #307 Living in the Now

2010-05-23T16:02:46-04:00May 23rd, 2010|

From Show Low, Arizona Peering into the future … What will happen you can only guess. Of the past you know so many things, But of the future far, far less. Why do you try to see it? What’s the treasure that lies there? When in this very moment Is [...]

Poem #306 Reality

2010-05-22T16:03:23-04:00May 22nd, 2010|

From Gallup, New Mexico Sitting quietly on a hill You survey all that you do see. The sky it seems so vast – Stretching to eternity. But what is distance? But a measurement of space In a world of physical matter Where you speak of time and place. But what [...]

Poem #305 Serendipity

2010-05-21T16:03:57-04:00May 21st, 2010|

From Albuquerque, New Mexico An unusual poem today, on a topic I believe we’ve seen before, but the unusual part is the pattern. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this … Serendipity … chance encounters, When two people meet. Who would have thought their paths would cross Just walking down [...]

Poem #304 Enlightenment

2010-05-20T16:05:00-04:00May 20th, 2010|

From Santa Rosa, New Mexico Enlightenment … Do you see the word’s base? It has the power to transform The whole human race. Light is the basis Of all things that live. Without light things wither Light the Life Force does give. “Oh, fill me with light,” This is what [...]

Poem #304 Enlightenment

2010-05-20T16:04:32-04:00May 20th, 2010|

From Santa Rosa, New Mexico Enlightenment … Do you see the word’s base? It has the power to transform The whole human race. Light is the basis Of all things that live. Without light things wither Light the Life Force does give. “Oh, fill me with light,” This is what [...]

Poem #303 Cooperation

2010-05-19T16:05:37-04:00May 19th, 2010|

From Caprock Canyon in Quitaque, Texas Yesterday I was doing some writing and really wanted a poem to go with the theme. I discovered what I’d already learned – the Council of Poets are in charge! If I try, it just doesn’t work. I have to completely surrender, then they [...]

Poem #302 What Lies Within

2010-05-18T16:06:09-04:00May 18th, 2010|

From Frisco, Texas, just north of Dallas Zebra stripes. Coloring of the skin. Simply ways to mask What lies there within. Are you black and white, Yellow, tan, or red? Or are you not the skin at all, But pure Love instead? What is this love That knows no separation? [...]

Poem #301 Still With You

2010-05-17T16:06:49-04:00May 17th, 2010|

From Shreveport, LA (The first few lines of this poem refer to specific evidence I have received while giving a mediumistic reading – the first few stanzas are about my work as a medium, then they shift to a message from the loved ones, just as happens when I give [...]

Poem #300 Respect

2010-05-16T16:07:26-04:00May 16th, 2010|

From Vicksburg, MS (300 poems!) A simple poem ‘Tis all you need. The question is simple: Why do you bleed? You’re given a body To experience pain. From life’s hardest lessons There’s much you can gain. Respect one another. Treat each other with care. There’s far greater growth When your [...]

Poem #299 On Meditation

2010-05-15T16:08:04-04:00May 15th, 2010|

From Vicksburg, MS Sitting quietly by a river, The leaves go floating by… This is how to still the brain And see with your mind’s eye. Meditation’s not so difficult. Some make it harder than they must. It’s simply a matter of sitting still And in the Spirit placing your [...]

Poem #298 The Lights the Same

2010-05-14T16:08:42-04:00May 14th, 2010|

From Hattiesburg, MISS. Behold! A new and glorious day. What do you say To greet it? How will you meet it? With a smile? Will you sit a while, Or frown … Your lips turned down In a sneer. “Why are you here? Oh sun in the skies – So [...]

Poem #297 Order

2010-05-13T16:09:22-04:00May 13th, 2010|

Received while sitting in the woods at Torreya State Park in Florida’s panhandle. Posted just east of Pensacola... All is in perfect order, Though this you often cannot see - The way things come together One by one so perfectly. When things they seem to go just right It’s because [...]

Poem #296 Seize the Day

2010-05-12T16:10:07-04:00May 12th, 2010|

From The Villages, Florida, as we prepare to leave ... Seize the day. How does one do this? Grabbing at each moment To have a taste of bliss. Carpe diem – It’s a phrase that is quite old. But much truth lies there within it… If the truth be truly [...]

Poem #295 Your Ever-Present Friend

2010-05-11T16:10:36-04:00May 11th, 2010|

Cry, my dear one. Let the tears just fall. Let them wash away your pain As my name you call. I’m with you in your darkest hour I hold your hand in mine. Filling you with love and light The light of the Divine. Just feel my arms around you. [...]

Poem #294 Take Off Your Mask

2010-05-10T16:11:02-04:00May 10th, 2010|

All the world is like a clown. They laugh, but inside they’re crying. They make a joke to mask the pain But they feel no better for the trying. You do not see reality. You think you must project An image of the happy one. Your true feelings you protect. [...]

Poem #292 The Greatest Ride of Your Life

2010-05-08T16:12:14-04:00May 8th, 2010|

Saddle up the horses. Get ready for the ride. Once you know the Presence There’s nowhere that you can hide. Then fly you will like Pegasus With wings upon your back. For with Spirit as your essence No longer will you lack. Have you no shoes upon your feet Nor [...]

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