Silence the wind
It bellows and howls through the night
Filling young minds with fright
“Oh, please, turn on the light!”
They cry
Great fear in the eye
Soothe a furrowed brow
To calm them, you know how
Wipe away the tears
Help dissolve the fears
This is what a parent does
Smothers their young children with love
The comfort of a hand
The healing touch
Soft words and such
Take away the fright
That often comes at night
When in the darkness monsters loom
Filing tender hearts with gloom
But who will soothe the furrowed brows of you?
Now much older, it is true
No mother’s lap to sit upon and rest
No father who knows best
Alas, you see with mortal eyes
There’s so much you do not realize
Like parents we do care for you
With great pains we watch, it’s true
We guide your steps, we light the way
That every footstep finds its way
We soothe the furrowed brow
In the best way we know how
Great doses of love
Is our best prescription
For what ails you
When all else fails you
Turn to us for advice
Never think twice
You can never intrude
Questions aren’t rude
This is why we’re here
Like parents you hold dear
To give advice and comfort that you need
Your soul’s deep longing we will feed
Just turn to us when you have sorrow
There’s no need to fear tomorrow
For we will hold your hand
If you fall, we’ll help you stand
No crutches do you need to lean on
For we’re here at your side
No need to run and hide
Just as the child knows he’s protected
We are here, although undetected
Call on us, we’ll respond
Of you we are quite fond
(I ask: To whom is this directed? I feel it’s not just for me … )
Oh no, my dear
Please make this clear
Our words are meant for all to hear
For all can find great cheer
In knowing they’re assigned a guide
To walk with them beside
They can’t be seen
But they are there
To watch over you with care
You who read these words, please know
There’s nowhere far that you can go
Without our love and protection
Our deepest affection
It is our work to walk with you
And this we do with love.
In the stillness you will feel it.
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