“I will grieve for the rest of my life.”  If this is truly your belief, then for you it will be your truth.  Do you wish to feel the deep sadness for the rest of your life, or do you wish to continue living and growing without that feeling as a constant companion?  You will always be able to recreate that pain.  You know the trigger points and you know how it feels to grieve, but hear us well:  you can train yourself to become aware of when you feel that pain and transmute it with higher emotions.  “Ah yes, I miss my loved one.  I know this feeling, but now I choose in this moment to focus on the joy my loved one brought me and to be grateful for that experience.”  From there you can allow your thoughts to drag you back to that place of pain or ask those you miss to remain in your heart as a pleasant, ever-present companion.  What do they want for you now from their vantage point across the veil?  Peace.  This is the training ground.  You control your thoughts.

Note from Suzanne:  I find strength in this wisdom from Viktor Frankl:  “The burden of unavoidable happiness is increased by unhappiness about being unhappy.” And “Forces beyond your control may take away everything you possess except one thing:  your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.”