“I have to get my act together.” 
Do you remember a time when you have said this?  And which act, exactly, would that be?  And how do you know that there is a greater
role for you?  You look around you and
see others who are more happy, more prosperous, more at peace, and you say, “Why
don’t I have that?”  It is because you
have allowed yourself to step into a role in this drama you call “life” that is
less than fulfilling.  Your soul knows it
is more.  Far more.  It is not a limited human being destined to
act in one small scene on a tiny stage. 
You are meant to soar!  You are
meant to have happiness and peace and to be loved.  Why? 
Because you are not this limited human playing a role.  You are a magnificent spirit here to
LOVE!  Believe us and believe all of the
gurus who tell you that your thoughts create your reality.  Yes, you may have suffered losses, and these
can be deeply painful to the human who sees not the greater picture.  Step outside of your human role and see the
greater picture.  From there, yes, indeed,
choose a new stage, a new role, and most importantly a whole new set of beliefs
to empower yourself in this new act you feel compelled to get together.  It is indeed time.