There may be times you’re crabby,
Days you crawl into your shell.
Days you sneer at all you see,
When life’s a living Hell.
When days like this occur to you,
It’s best to just surrender.
And if with others you must deal,
Then do your best a smile to render.
While it’s true that you exist
As Spirit at your core,
Your body oft times has a way
Of closing Spirit’s door.
It may be due to chemistry
That causes an imbalance,
That so does knock you off your feet
It hides your loving talents.
You know the steps to find your soul.
You practice them quite often.
But there may come a time when
Naught you do your mood will soften.
Look then for something physical,
And there relief you’ll find.
But throughout all be patient
And to your Self be kind.
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