When one you love is dealing with a life lesson, you will know it. Will you let it affect you? Most likely, for you are with them for the growth that results through relationship. The way you react is part of their lesson, not to mention yours. Do you give them reason to stick to their story or do you take the power out of their story by simply being the presence of Love and allowing them to feel the love that may be lacking from their story? People act out of fear, with anger, and use any number of other tactics as they try to find their way Home. Model that homey place, that state of fullness, why don’t you, just as you would for any child who is lost.
You are so very loved.
This felt just right this morning. Thank you so much, Spirits and Suzanne for helping me and others through all that you do. With love, B
very touching while a very real guidance xx
nail on the head today and I thank you!
So potent. The alchemy of transformation happens when we relax and soften in those areas of our lives where we have the least amount of power and can welcome in the energy of love. Remembering this when being an empathetic person who wants more than anything to take away the suffering of those close to us is, I think, an advanced learning curve. Whether it’s wanting to take away my daughter’s suffering or someone I minister to, you at reminding me (as a mom, clergy, and mindfulness educator) so powerfully on how to hold loving presence and space. Thank you as always for they way Sacred Presence and insight flow through you in these wisdom reflections, Suzanne
I have a sister who is going through a very difficult time. I know that her soul is fine but it is so painful to watch her deteriorate and refuse help that I and my other sister would gladly give e her. This is a huge lesson for all three if us. Learnintol
Learning to love, learning to accept her wishes, letting go.
Thank you!! 🙏💖✨