Can you stop and take a breath with deliberate intent from time to time?  If the intent when you pause to breathe deeply is to reconnect in awareness with Awareness, you will no longer need a tranquilizer, a cigarette, a sugary sweet, or a drink of alcohol.  The latter are all substitutes for the Joy you feel when you are in a state of wholeness.  They are poor, artificial substitutes for True Being.  The state of utter peace is truly as close as your breath, yet it lies beneath the conditioned thoughts that led to the conditioned reach for addictive substances.  Only you can recognize the conditioning.  Once seen for what it is, your greatest gift and your greatest curse—free will—can save you, but only if you find peace more appealing than pleasure.  No one said it would be easy taking on your human role with the lure of pleasure and pain, but the failsafe, the release valve is the breath.  It is there to help you use your free will in the most productive way … to lead you back Home.  You are so very loved.