You say you are suffering? Go beyond the story. “But who would I be without my story?” you ask, and that is what moments spent in silent presence allow you to discover for yourself. We can tell you to the moon and back that you are the shining light of Awareness itself … divine Intelligence playing a role, but until you transcend the role and all of its drama, if only for three minutes at a time, you will succumb to the waves that keep you crashing into each other instead of flowing as one sea of love.
You are so very loved.
I have been getting messages for years telling me to remember who I am. It helps to know I have been connected.
Reminding myself not to believe in what is, so I can transmute it. The body has been a constant reminder of what is and has been the biggest challenge of awareness for me. Illness is just as much of a byproduct of my experience and my belief, as anything else. My awareness asks me, “Who is believing in this story?” day in and day out, and I sit with and work to heal those parts in myself, yet some remain hidden, unwilling to be revealed. It’s a process of remembering and bringing these parts into awareness until all of me is ready to be free from the story.
I cherish my contemplative practice for this insight and I do a regular Metta practice and don’t feel attached to my stories. But I am having great difficulty feeling grounded watching the destruction of Gaza and babies being slaughtered. I feel helpless in spite of my practice and even these messages feel lacking. Metta seems all I can do but not enough.