What’s in a name? The meaning you give to it. If you were called by a special name as a child and this made you feel loved, by all means, use this name when speaking to yourself. You need not rely on others to comfort you. You are a creator! Create loving thoughts instead of those that drag you down. Harness the Power of Love that breathes you and breathe new, loving feelings within as you come to know yourself beyond all names. As you do this, you will come to understand why you are so very loved.
My mother used to call me Putzel,hehe, I don’t even know what it means, even in my 50s she would call me that pet name and it used to annoy me at times but how I miss it now that she’s gone
I had a few pet names as well. I look back now after so many years and those loved ones who gave those names and how they are now across the veil. Brings into focus the love that accompanied those names and I am reminded to remember to cherish them and self. I’ve had a few challenges lately that call into question love for thyself. Thanks for the reminder to love and cherish the WHO I Am. ❤️
I always hated my given name. When I became a grandmother, I called myself Noni, because my uncle’s called me that when I was just a toddler. They would stoop down and hold there arms out and call me and I would run to them and they would throw me in the air and catch me. It was delightful. The past few years I tell people at work, and new people I meet, that my name is Wyndi. My mother had always told me she wished she had named me that. There were two other Wandas at my job, so I decided to go by Wyndi at that time. I don’t know why I feel like a fraud, though. Wyndi seems natural for me and I like it. “Wanda” somehow makes me cringe. Idk why.
por favor pongan la opción de tradir al español…somos casi 600 millones.gracias
my name’s Jessica but all my friends would call me kika😊, and grandma called me mula❣️ and my mom would call me chaka zula🤣😩😱
My Dad used to call me “number 1” because as he said, I was born first. My mother always said it was because I was his favorite, and not because I was born first. Once she told me that it used to make me uncomfortable in front of my siblings when he called me that. In reading your message today, I have a new insight. Self-love is a lesson that is unfolding for me everyday and caring for the self is not something that should make any of us uncomfortable. Putting ourselves first, and thinking of ourselves as “number 1″ means that we will have more to give to others. It is only inputting the oxygen mask on ourselves first that we can truly”save” others. How is it that the airlines knew this before I did??!!
My family called me Tink which is shor for Katinka which is Dutch for Catherine. Because my name rhymed with stink and fink I opted to be called Catherine or Cathy at school. My closest and oldest friends still call me Tink and I’ve started to refer to myself that way as well. There is a lot of love in that name.
Suzanne you are a True Inspiration and I would feel Extremely Blessed beyond words to Finally have the Sacred Opportunity to meet You in Person. I will be hoping you this Summer at a Live Event of which was gifted to Me from My Wonderfully Supportive Husband. Words CANNOT Express enough how Very Excited I feel to have been afforded this Blessed Moment in My Life.
My Nickname is PEBBLES!! My Maternal Grandmother Blessed me with this Name when I was a Young Toddler. I recently reached the Age of 60 and Still go by this Name as it has become an Integral part of who I relate to as an Adult. Nearly every person in my existence uses this Endearing Name upon addressing Myself. I have grown to Love and Repect My Nickname as it feels Extremelt Special to Myslef and My Family and Friends. Thank You So Very Much for this Beautifully Written Poem. Your Poetry is Extremely Refreshing and Inspiring to Myself and Others. Bless You My Friend🙏🏻🥰♥️
I truly apologize for the Grammitical errors as My Phone wants to continuously change my words and letters. Once Again I apologize and Wish YOU A Glorious Day! I so look forward to seeing You in Person Very Soon!!! Bless you Suzanne Giesemann